This may just be the easiest way to stay in touch!
When Coel Kirkby was running around South Africa, he tried to do something like this. Regrettably, I never checked in much to his site due to too many distractions. Still, I thought that the idea was good. So I’ll give him credit for the idea.
Seeing as how Latin internet is about as reliable has Air Canada getting you to your final destination without delay or spending time in a violent drug running country, I figure it’s best to save money and time by posting some of the day to day adventures here.
This way I can try to keep you all updated on this adventure without harassing you with mass e-mails, or trying to condense four months of adventures into a conversation over a single round of libations.
Already this project has been an adventure, so hopefully there will be the odd bit of entertaining commentary.
Also feel free to check in with my Kiwi counterparts at for more politically charged commentary.
Ciao for now!
Live from somewhere over the Caribbean!
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