Terry Fox in Havana
So, here are some shots taken from the Terry Fox Run in Havana.
It's the largest Terry Fox outside of Canada with about 2.3 million people participating.
Like all things Cuban, it's unique in it's own way. Unlike the goal of the Terry Fox Foundation in Canada to raise money for cancer research (and that seems to be the sole goal of the Foundation), the Cuban approach to Terry Fox is to build awareness of cancer, and participation in the movement.
They adore the story of Terry Fox, and as you can see, just about everyone gets involved in the run.
Somehow I got running with a group of "retired atheletes." These old buggers were in better shape than me, I'll give you that much.
I mean, if this isn't a powerfully appropriate image for the spirit of the race, then I don't know what is.
And in the true to form Cuban approach, no one gets excluded!